When the disease is more advanced and there are deeper pockets around the teeth, it can be more difficult to debride the deepest aspects thoroughly to totally eradicate the disease. Thus, some plaque and calculus deposits may remain at the base of the pockets. In such a scenario, surgery is performed to gently lift back the gum and allow direct line vision of the defect and its subsequent disinfection.
Periodontal maintenance
Once your initial treatment is undertaken, your dentist will review the response to the treatment after three months. It is at this point that we can determine the long term prognosis for the teeth and gums and what subsequent treatment protocol is needed to retain your gums at their most healthy. Often this takes the form of maintenance visits periodically to check on your hygiene, the gum condition and to do regular cleans so that the gums retain their health. It has been shown that maintenance is crucial to the long term health of your gums after periodontal therapy.
Periodontal regeneration
It is possible in certain cases to actually regrow the bone and gum tissue lost through the disease process. This is accomplished through the use of membranes, bone grafts or tissue growth factor materials which encourage your body to grow new bone and tissue in defects. This can reverse the damage done through periodontal disease and greatly enhance the chances of a tooth surviving long term.
Crown Lengthening
Crown lengthening is often required when a tooth is to be crowned but the margin of the tooth is below the gum line. Such a scenario can occur when deep caries or decay occurs below the gum line or if the tooth fractures and the fracture line is below the gum line. In this instance, it can be difficult for your dentist to restore the tooth to take an accurate impression, so crown lengthening is needed.
The procedure involves removing a small amount of gum tissue and bone around the affected tooth to create a new gum-to-tooth relationship. This allows the subsequent restoration to be retained by more natural tooth and to have a better margin on which to sit - thus ensuring it lasts longer.
Treatments and
Non surgical Treatments
Those treatment modality involves scaling a root planing of the teeth to remove the plaque and calculus deposits under the gums. This is usually done under local anaesthesia and there is minimal discomfort afterwards. This also removes the infected root cementum and smooths the root, making it less likely for the root to be re-colonised by new bacteria. Sometimes adjunctive treatments such as antibiotics may be recommended to help kill the bacteria and aid healing of the gums.
Gum Grafting
Many people may have relatively healthy gums but exhibit gum recession. This can be due to various causative factors such as have thin gum tissue or from brushing too aggressively. This can lead to exposed root surfaces which may be unsightly, cause tooth sensitivity make the root prone to root decay or in extreme cases lead to the loss of the affected tooth.
When recession exists, a gum graft is undertaken. This procedure involves moving a small piece of tissue from your palate and placing it in the area of recession. This leads to thickening of the receded area and root recession coverage. Sometimes, grafting materials can be used instead of your own tissue. These can provide a predictable result.
Your dentist will undertake a thorough exam to determine the cause of your recession and the best course of treatment for you.
Cosmetic Gum Surgery
This type of procedure is frequently carried out at our clinic to correct gingival or gum discrepancies that are visible at the front of the mouth. If you show too much gum on smiling or if the shape of your gums in uneven or asymmetrical, then there are predictable procedures to correct this.
Although your teeth may appear short, it may be that you have too much gum covering them. Removal of this excess gum tissue can expose more natural tooth and improve your smile. It can involve one or more teeth and is often undertaken with whitening or porcelain veneers, which can rapidly transform your smile.
WARNING: Any dental or surgical procedure carries risks which also may depend on your general health. This will be discussed with you prior to any dental intervention.
Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner such as your dentist or your doctor.

105.3A Da Vinci Business Park
2-6 Leonardo Drive
Brisbane Airport
QLD 4007 Australia


9AM - 5.30PM